
  • Silence the H8.

           No haters here. Show some love to these participants:

           Indulge your queen a little for this challenge, if you will. “Glee” was amazing, of course, and I nearly squealed myself hoarse when I saw Idina. I hope you all were able to watch it so you can join in all the water-cooler conversations that are inevitably following. But this challenge also begins the day before the National Day of Silence, which we honor with a photo challenge taken from Adam Bouska’s NOH8 Campaign with “Glee” cast member Jane Lynch. It’s not our usual photo challenge and may not lend itself as easily to a wide variety of interpretations, but I know how creative you Lords and Ladies can be. So perhaps, just this once, we can lend our voices to those who can’t speak out. Off you go now. Write!

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by April 30th.
    • Have fun.
    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback.

  • Ah, to be a happy fool.

           These people are no fools. Check out what they have to say, then get on with the challenge! Clicky clicky:

           You know, my lovely subjects, sometimes there’s just too much going on in this royal noggin, and when multiple opportunities are presented I just get so indecisive! I could not make up my mind this time around so for this challenge we have a triple threat. You may do any or go for the hat-trick — whatever you feel like.

           So this queen doesn’t watch much television. The tube just really doesn’t go with the palace decor, you know? But every once in a while I get together with a few other queenly friends and we watch this glorious show called “Glee.” I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Anyway, season one continues on April 13th and this queen couldn’t be more excited. =) So in honor of Glee’s return, I give you:

    Challenge A: What gives you Glee? Seriously. What makes you happy? What are the things that would give you a full blown patronus or that would make you dance around in your pajamas during a raging thunderstorm singing and twirling with draperies? Let’s go for a list. We haven’t had one of those in a while. 25 things that make you giddy with glee. Aaaand… go!

           You thought that was it?! No no. This challenge just happens to begin on one of this queen’s favorite holidays:

    Challenge B: That’s right, my loyal subjects, it’s April Fool’s Day. To celebrate, I’d like you to tell me about those things that make you feel foolish. Another list! 25 things on this one, too! Or perhaps you’d like to take it in a different direction? Perhaps you’d like to talk about your favorite April Fool’s prank that you’ve pulled or fell victim to or heard about instead.

           And just to round it out with an uneven letter (but one of my favorites):

    Challenge C: Swirl. Combine Challenge A and Challenge B. Perhaps you might get a little more philosophical on this one. Take a page from one of my favorite stories: Don Quixote. Is it better to be an idealist? A happy fool? Or should one take a good look in the mirror of reality? Take some freedoms with this one. Explore.

           If you do multiple challenges be sure to enter them in different posts and I’ll list you for each one. As always, you can take this in whatever direction you would like. Let’s see what you can come up with!

           P.S. There were a ton of gold stars handed out for the last challenge! Thank you! Please continue to recommend these posts, but this time around the gold stars will be given to anyone who completes all three challenges!

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by April 14th for Prime Time Action, but I’ll keep linking posts through the 30th.
    • Have fun.
    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback.

  • Through the Eyes of Time

           I know you’re eager to get right down to it, but you might also want to give these participants a peek:

           I tell you what, my loyal subjects, I’m feeling it today. The “o” word, and not the good one. No, I’m not really that old — barely more than a quarter century, but this queen has still seen a fair amount in those years. I’ve been reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (which is decent), and I don’t know how those immortal powerhouses do it! I definitely have days where “Off with her head!” is my favorite line, so I can certainly understand when those gods start to behave a little badly. You mere mortals have trouble keeping up with things in your lifetime, imagine the stress of a few millennia! You finally upgrade your chariot to a beemer and suddenly everything else is obsolete, too! Eventually you find that you are also obsolete. But I’m getting a bit carried away here. You need a challenge!

           Fortunately it’s time for our mid-month photo prompt! I do not know the original source of this month’s picture, but I found it here, used in much the same way we’re about to. Take a good look at it, though, let your imagination run wild, and come back to me with wonderful little works of art to share with the world. As always, you can write a poem, a short story, a song, a journal-type entry, include pictures… It’s entirely up to you. You may take this in whatever direction you would like. Let’s see what you can come up with!

           P.S. Gold stars will be given to anyone who participates and recommends this post!

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by March 31st.
    • Have fun.
    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback.

  • Excuse me, can you spare some change?

           You’ll find the current challenge below, but we encourage you to check out what people have written so far. You know you want to. Go ahead. Click:

           So it’s a new month. March, if you can believe it. College students everywhere are hitting the gyms harder than ever to transform their keggers into six-packs for spring break and your Queen is sitting back with an appletini and enjoying the view. It’s the time when those of us in the more temperate regions start to notice a shift in mother nature’s moods: a little more sun, a little more warmth, and perhaps a little more green. We’ve also done a little redecorating around the palace — do you like? We have Queen TastyCakes to thank for that. Yes, my subjects: the times, they are a-changing. So come gather ’round your Queen, forgive me for drenching you to the bone with Bob Dylan, and tell me how you could use a little change. Because it’s time for:

           What sort of change could you use in your life? Change is often slow to come, if it comes at all — just ask Mr. Obama, he knows all about that. But if you could change something, be it big or small (hopefully not that small), what would it be? How would you do it? How would the ripples of your change affect other things? And in the end, all things considered, would you be happy with those changes?

           You can write a poem, a short story, a song, a journal-type entry, include pictures. It’s entirely up to you. You may take this in whatever direction you would like. Let’s see what you can do!

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by March 14th.
    • Have fun
    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback!

  • Mid-February Fog

            Well done on that last, you lovely people, and with only a week! You make your Queen so proud. Since it was such a short time for the challenge I think I’ll keep linking posts through the rest of the month (and I might do that with the posts for each month). But right now it’s time for our mid-month photo prompt! From the haze of love we move onto this piece aptly titled “Fog” by deviantART user ~fruuz. Click here to view the original image in its natural habitat. I don’t know about you, but this is pretty close to what your Queen’s current love-life looks like. For those unfamiliar with the photo prompt format, all you have to do is look at the picture below — and get inspired! It’s a wonderful little exercise in ekphrasis that I think we’ll do on the 15th of every month, with regular challenges on the first of each month (and, as always, I welcome your suggestions — just send me a message). So tell me: what little corridors does your mind wander down when you stare into the fog?

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

           You can write a poem, a short story, a song, a journal-type entry, include pictures. It’s entirely up to you. You may take this in whatever direction you would like. Let us see what you can do in about ten minutes.

    You must:

    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by February 28th.
    • Have fun
    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback. Participants include:

  • Love is in the Air

            I thought I smelled something burning. Best not leave the Casanova Candle going when you leave. Either you’ll torch the place or we’ll have a line of suitors going down the block and you *don’t* want to find out what a mob of horny guys can do to the upholstery. I had to replace all the royal furniture last year.

           New month, new Queen, new challenge. Oh, silly me, I tried to slip that in there without you noticing, but of course you’re far too smart for that. Yes, my beautiful subjects, you have a new Queen, and I hope to live up to the stunning example set by all my predecessors. You’ll forgive me if I remain behind the privacy of the palace walls for now — I’ve only just moved in and I’m still unpacking boxes and my hair is still all up in those curlers. In the mean time I’ll set you to work on our next challenge. I’ve decided to continue the numbering scheme set up by Queen TastyCakes, so this one is:

    Challenge 2010-2

           Valentine’s Day is only a week away! Many of you are happily partnered and expecting your dozen roses and box of chocolates when next Sunday rolls around, but if you’re like me, you’re still waiting for your King (or Queen, if you prefer) to sweep you off your feet. All I know is, the bastard better hurry up because I might not show it, but this Queen ain’t getting any younger or prettier. Ahem. Anyway, the challenge that I set before you today requires you to:

    Challenge            2010-2
    Write about love.  Original, I know.
    But, according to some dead guy, love is all you need.
    Tell us about the love you’re in, or your first love, maybe even
    unrequited love. Or, if you’re not in a mood for romance, tell us
    about other sorts of love that you’ve encountered,
    whether for family or friends or
    even for perfect strangers
    (my personal

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

           You can write a poem, a short story, a song, a journal-type entry, include pictures. It’s entirely up to you. You may take this in whatever direction you would like. Let us see what you can do in about ten minutes. And you’d better hurry! You only have one week!

    You must:

    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by February 14th.
    • Have fun

    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback. Participants include:

  • your life is average

    Sorry everyone. I am in fact a college student, and last semester ran me ragged. This one is shaping up to be hellacious in its own right, and no one seemed to much like the challenges I did put up before; when no one responded it became very easy to forget about this thing under my mountain of homework.

    So let’s give this another go. And by that I don’t mean “oh this is an interesting thought but I think I’ll sit this one out.” At least give it a try, ok? Please?

    So till the beginning of next month, tell me why your life is average.

    I don’t mean this in the boring way. I mean this in the MLIA way. If you’ve never read the site, you should. It’s hilarious and far less pessimistic than Fmylife. Surely some Average things have happened to you at one time or another, so let’s hear them!

    Aaaaaaaaaaand go!

  • Hinga Dinga Durgen!

    Every October 9th, in honor of New World discovery (but mostly in honor of Spongebob), my best friend and I celebrate Leif Erikson Day:

    Inspired by saintvi’s pirate contest, and because I am far too impatient to actually wait for October, the end-of-September challenge is simply: VIKINGS. Create a post that is in some way related to Vikings or Erikson himself. It can be anything you want: a drawing, a photograph, you dressed in a silly costume, a piece of fiction, a historical blurb- just be creative! And your incentive:
    *At the end of the challenge (Sept. 30), I shall (completely subjectively of course) determine which is the best and most creative piece, and the winner gets a month of premium!
    Go forth and spread the word!
  • early September: Goosebumps

    **Last day for this one. I’ve got something special in store for tomorrow :)

    I’m throwing in the towel on the last challenge. Perhaps the core readership of this sort of thing dislikes change and doesn’t want to think about moving. All right then, I’ll give it another go.

    The prompt for the next two weeks: what gives you goosebumps?
    These can be goosebumps of fear, of joy, of pure thrill- any kind of goosebumps at all. Just tell us what it is that’s powerful enough to cause all the follicle muscles in your skin to contract at once. And maybe spread the word a little? It’d be nice to have more than one or two participants this time. 
    <3 Kween
    Entries so far
  • Late August: Get A Move On

    Apologies, my subjects, for my absence of late. Your Kween is in the process of packing to go back to school, ordering books, cleaning her old carpet… there is much chaos in the castle. Returning to ye olde college wireless will be most invigorating.

    Inspired by this necessary twice-a-year move, I present to you the next challenge. This won’t be a two-parter; I’m trying to keep it simple till I get settled in again.

    Here is your question: if you could move anywhere in the entire world, where would you go? Why? Describe the house that you’d live in and its surroundings, and what you’d take with you from where you live now. be as creative as you like. You can even live on the space station or the moon if you want, though I’d imagine that recycling old bodily fluids for drinking water would get tiresome after a while.

    Go forth and create!

    <3 Kween