July 13, 2013

  • It’s never easy…

           These are truly Lords and Ladies — the ones who stood with the Kween to the very end:

           Well, y’all… it’s been a pleasure being your Kween, sporadic as my reign was. I will continue to randomly maintain my own site at cspostlethwait.com, and I’ve created an archive file of this site which is available for download there under the “Blog Archives” section. I’m considering continuing the writing challenges in some way on that blog, so be sure to subscribe for updates. Everyone is also encouraged to update your listing on CakaLusa‘s “Xanga User Database of DOOM!“.But it wouldn’t be a proper “goodbye” without one last challenge. We’ll keep this one rather informal:

           What are your plans post-Xanga 1.0? Do you have another site set up? Will you continue to blog? Will you continue with Xanga 2.0, if it materializes?

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!

    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Submit your entry by the end of the world, or at least the end of Xanga.
    • Have fun

    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries before they’re GONE FOREVER.

January 2, 2013

  • A curiosity.

           Hello my Lords and Ladies and all those in between. Yes, we have been silent for a spell. Apparently we got lost in thought while sitting on the throne trying to determine why there had been such a disastrous lack of participation. But we peek our royal head out just for a moment to ask a rather important question: should the Kween return? An affirmative decision shall be based not only on the responses, but on the enthusiasm of the masses. You may voice your opinions below. Oh, and happy new year!

January 7, 2012

  • Welcome to the year the world ends.

           Now these participants know how to live! Go check out their entries!

           Happy New Year! We’re all going to die now. Yes, I’m starting to think the whole “end of the world” thing is getting old, too. But if the world ends at least I won’t get in trouble for missing so many challenges! I’ve been a busy Kween, thank you very much!

           So… how’ve you been? Everyone seems so optimistic for the new year. It’s all so exciting, it almost feels like we’ve never done this before. I bet you can’t even guess what the challenge is going to be, can you? I’ll give you a minute to think it over…

           Figure it out yet? Well, here it is:

           Challenge A: Write about all the stuff you’re probably writing about already. Look at your resolutions from this time last year. How’d you do? Now for a crazy twist: write some new ones for 2012! OMG! I bet you totally didn’t see that coming. Let’s shoot for 12 of them. Yes, in 2099 I’m going to make you do 99. It’s supposed to be a challenge, after all.

           Challenge B: They say the world is going to end on Dec. 21, 2012. MY question is, will the eastern hemisphere explode before the western hemisphere? Because you know all you easterners are a day ahead of those of us in the west. Anyway, that wasn’t the challenge. The challenge is this: if the world is going to end on 12.21.2012, what will you do differently from now until then? You have less than one year to live. How will you live it?

           I, for one, resolve to make more challenges. So get to it! Complete the challenge in whatever way you feel inspired. Have fun!

    Yes, I stole the banner from a deviantART email. =P
    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Submit your entry by January 31st.
    • Have fun

    Happy New Year! And happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback.

September 12, 2011

  • Where were you?

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by the next time we post something. Whenever that is

    Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. Comments make the world go ’round.

June 20, 2011

  • On fire.

           These participants can handle the heat. Can you? Give ‘em a click and find out:


           Goodness. Kweeny’s been a bit busy. She’s gonna need a nice strong fireman to come put her out, she’s been working up such a sweat. Relocated her castle half-way across the country and the blog is only just catching up. In lieu of her busy schedule and slightly pathetic participation, though, we’ll be going to a monthly challenge until she changes her mind. K?


           So… June. The month where summer officially gets kicked off along with the layers of clothing. At least in the northern half of the world. Always a favorite time. So we want to know — when the temperature rises, either literally or figuratively or both, how do you keep cool? In other words, tell us about the things you do to ward off the heat on a summer day, or tell us about methods you use to stay calm in intense or potentially explosive situations. Get creative with it. Tell us in a story or poem or with pictures, or in any other way you can think of.

           BONUS Challenge: What makes you burn? Hmmm? What gets you going, sets you on fire? By the same token, tell us about the things really get you revved up and excited, or perhaps share what really ticks you off.

           Have fun. ;)

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by June 30th.
    • Have fun

    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. Comments make the world go ’round.

March 12, 2011

  • No going back.

           Give some props to these TimeLords & Ladies:

           Hola, my Lords and Ladies. Apparently we haven’t been up to the challenges lately, have we? Well let’s ease back into it with something we haven’t done in a while — a photo prompt! This one comes from one of my favorites (it happens to be hanging on my castle wall), from deviantART user shimoda7. The original is found here. But you know how these things work: let it inspire you, then write about it in whatever way you know best. And have fun!

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!

    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by March 15th.
    • Have fun

    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. Comments make the world go ’round.

February 21, 2011

  • LoveGame.

    Wanna play? These participants are in the game:

           One year on the throne for this Kween. Crazy how it flies. Cupid, I mean, with his little bow and arrows tipped with some magic poison. I mean potion. Semantics. Which reminds me that I need to have the upholstery cleaned again. But he really is a crazy little devil. The stores have had horribly unhealthy chocolate hearts wrapped in glaring red foil since they took down their Christmas trees, and florists everywhere are battening down the hatches and getting ready for the frenzy that is the one day of the year when they sell tons of hacked-off plant genitals and all you annoying crazy lovebirds remind your significant others that you love them. Because you can only do it on this one day.

    Challenge A
           I have a mission for you (and it involves some heavy writing, yeah?). Kweeny’s not really feeling the love this year, so we’re going to do something a little special in honor of all of those who share her not so singular but depressingly single plight. I want you to share with us your V-day mishaps. The embarrassing, the crazy, the bizarre, the worst, and the inappropriate. You know the one I’m talking about. And yeah, if everything turns out fine you can share that, too.

    or, if you must…

    Challenge B
           Tell us about the games you played to land your special someone. Tell us how you met, how you fell in love, and how you’ve kept it going. It occurs to this queen that it’s kind of a small miracle that this kind of thing happens at all, so tell us your secrets. Maybe the rest of us will learn something from it. Or we might come bludgeon you half to death with the leftover waxy stump of that stupid Cassanova candle you tried to sell us last year because it totally didn’t work.

           In either case, do it your way. And have fun!

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by February 28th.
    • Have fun

    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. Comments make the world go ’round.

January 30, 2011

  • Simplicity.

           These participants know how to find pleasure even in the craziest of times. You’d do well to see what they have to say:

           Ah, the simple things… they keep us going when things get crazy. When our goals for the new year start to seem a bit overwhelming and we think we might start to give up, these are the things we find to keep us going for just a little while longer…

           Our challenge for the middle of the month is a throwback to a previous challenge from January 2008. Maybe you even participated in the original, but lets see how we’ve evolved over the last three years. The idea was from myseniormoments and went more or less like this: what are the simple pleasures that make your every day complete? The purring of a kitten? The smell of coffee? Perhaps it’s making a special meal for your family. Whatever they are, let us know. Come up with as many as you’d like, and tell us about them in whatever way you see fit, whether poetry or prose, pictures, or whichever creative way you think up. Just keep it simple and, as always, have fun!

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!

    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by January 31st.
    • Have fun

    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. Comments make the world go ’round.

January 6, 2011

  • Finding balance.

           Add it to your list: see what these challenge participants have to say!

           solve (v.) to find the solution to a problem; to balance an equation.

           reĀ·solve (v.) to break into smaller parts, to simplify; to reach a firm decision about; to solve again.

           Get where this is going yet?

           It’s the first of the year. Congratulations, you made it through another. Seriously, it’s kind of awesome the way you do it — that whole survival thing. Whether active or passive, you pulled it off, and sometimes you can’t ask for much more than that. Now this is the time where those of us who adhere to the Gregorian calendar traditionally get all idealistic and come up with ways to make the coming months better than the ones past, or perhaps we just try to do again that which we failed to do in previous years: we make resolutions; we try to balance and simplify our lives and we try to solve the problems that we see around us. Most of us try to keep these for about — what, a week? A month if we’re feeling energetic. But the cold months are still ahead. And things get busy and life happens and that damn Twinkie just looked really tasty. Couldn’t keep my hands off him. IT. I mean it. >.<

           Yep, I’m about to ask you to come up with New Year’s Resolutions. Really, what else did you expect? Think hard; dig deep. Where could you use more balance in your life? Where could things be a bit simpler? What decisions need to be made? I want you to come up with 11 resolutions for 2011. Don’t just throw them out there randomly — this isn’t a list. Not only do I want the solution to the problem, I want you to show your work, too. How do you propose to make these changes? What steps will you take? Is this even a change that you need? Tell me why. Do it. Now! This is for your own good, dammit!

           Oh, and have fun.

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!

    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by January 15th for Prime Time Action, but I’ll keep linking through the 31st.
    • Have fun

    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback.

December 30, 2010

  • A Challenge for a Winter’s Night

           These people know their Jingle Bells. Check ‘em out:

           Happy Holidays my Lords and Ladies! Kweeny here, writing from the Winter Palace; it’s so damn cold that I’m starting to feel like a regular old Ice Queen! I hope you are all keeping warm in whatever ways you know best, or for you southern folk — well you all just suck. Enough with the stories of going to the beach and enjoying the warm weather, ok!? Thank you.

           Now then — they say that this is the most wonderful time of the year. Well I want you to prove it, and we have a few challenges with which you may do so:

    Challenge A
           Let’s be materialistic for a moment. What is the best present you’ve ever received? No, it doesn’t have to be material and it doesn’t have to be a Christmas present. But tell us about it. Who gave it to you? Why was it so wonderful? If it was a thing, do you still have and use it today?

    Challenge B
           A good ol’ list for this one. Give us your top ten reasons why this is the most wonderful time of the year. Do it however you like, in words or pictures or stories or songs or poems or…

    Challenge C
           Write a bit of poetry or prose describing your favorite memory (or wish) from the season. Take some liberties with this one. Enjoy!

    Just copy and paste the code below into your weblog to link back to this site!
    It should come out looking exactly like the picture above. Tutorial here.

    You must:
    • Have your entry set to public.
    • Link to either this site or the blog ring.
    • Come back to this site to let me know that you have posted for this challenge. I will then link to your entry. Rec your entry. Leave you eProps.
    • Have your entry done by December 31st.
    • Have fun

    Happy writing! Be sure to check out everyone’s entries. I’m sure they appreciate your feedback.